At the end of this month we're hosting the official launch party for Forest EU.
The event takes place on May 31 at The Staff 42, a stylish bar restaurant just yards from the European Parliament.
By coincidence May 31 is also World No Tobacco Day.
Last year I was in Brussels on WNTD and I couldn't help noticing that the Smokefree Partnership, a coalition of tobacco control groups that includes ASH and Cancer Research UK, was hosting a reception to mark the Tobacco Products Directive and 'plain packaging progress in the EU'.
Naturally I endeavoured to get an invitation – but they didn't reply (sob). Instead I spent the evening watching football in an Irish bar off Avenue Louise.
I can't say Forest EU is the direct result of the Smokefree Partnership's little soirée. It did give the project the kick start it needed though because our long-term goal is to create our own coalition that is the antithesis of the anti-smoking lobby in Brussels.
Whether we succeed remains to be seen but if you'd like to join us in Brussels on May 31 and help make our voices heard it would be great to see you. Click here to register.
PS. Last week I was in Brussels to attend the launch of Students for Liberty's Consumer Choice Center.
Next week I am returning for the first Nanny State Index conference. After that it's the Forest EU launch party.
How ironic that just as the UK is preparing to Brexit I find myself semi-resident in the heart of the EU!