Fancy that.
Five months after Smokefree South West became Public Health Action, Tobacco Free Futures (formerly Smokefree North West) is changing its identity again.
From Thursday (March 31) TFF will be known as Healthier Futures.
According to chief executive Andrew Crossfield, it marks the "start of the next chapter in our story":
In addition to tackling tobacco – which is still a vital part of our work – we are excited to now be taking on responsibility to tackle a range of health issues. Our new mission is to help people live longer, healthier, happier lives.
Readers will recall that a last minute re-launch couldn't save Smokefree South West.
In February, just three months after it became Public Health Action (adding alcohol to its portfolio), SFSW aka PHA was forced to announce its imminent closure.
Does the same fate await Smokefree North West aka Tobacco Free Futures aka Healthier Futures?
And what about Smokefree North East aka Fresh?
More important, why are they doing it? The simple answer has to be – money.
Local authorities appear to be growing wise to the fact that dedicated tobacco control groups offer poor value for money.
Most of the time they are merely parroting the same messages as bodies such as ASH, Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation, the British Lung Foundation and Public Health England.
Therefore, to justify their funding and keep themselves in business, groups like Tobacco Free Futures have decided to diversify into alcohol and obesity.
Re-branding came too late to save Smokefree South West. Can it save Tobacco Free Futures?
What is clear is that after many years sucking eagerly on the public teet, dedicated stop smoking services and lobby groups are coming to the end of the line.
According to a recent report, the use of stop smoking services is down 51 per cent since 2010.
As for lobby groups like Healthier Futures, without public funding they wouldn't exist because there's no demand for them.
Do we really need another campaign group advising us about the dangers of smoking or alcohol?
What makes me laugh is the fact that people like Andrew Crossman and, before her, Fiona Andrews at Smokefree South West, are arrogant enough to think they can switch overnight from being 'experts' on tobacco to become 'experts' on obesity and alcohol as well.
But when did expertise ever come into it? Tobacco control campaigners are rarely experts on health. Their real strength is hectoring or bullying people to change their lifestyle.
For more information on Healthier Futures, TFF have kindly provided an information sheet. Click here to download.