Ukip – what a shambles
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 15:00
Simon Clark

I've heard everything now.

This afternoon, on the Daily Politics Election Special (BBC2), Andrew Neil questioned the health spokesmen representing the five main parties.

I wasn't watching but I followed the debate on Twitter.

Incredibly Ukip's health spokesman, Angus Dalgleish, is reported to have said smoking should be banned in parks but not pubs because children play in parks.

WTF! Is this official policy (it's not in the manifesto) or did he make it up on the spot?

I can't believe I even toyed with voting for such a shambolic party.

Update: Angus Dalgleish is a "consultant physician specialising in cancer medicine". See Cancer expert Professor Angus Dalgleish to stand for UKIP in Sutton and Cheam

Ironically he's standing in a constituency where the incumbent is the Lib Dem's Paul Burstow, chairman of the APPG on Smoking and Health run by ASH.

It's a marginal yet Burstow could retain his seat if the Conservative vote is split by Ukip. If that happens, a good Tory candidate (Paul Scully) will be lost to parliament.

Update: Ukip press officer Gawain Towler has responded via Twitter to Forest's disbelief: "He was giving a personal opinion as an oncologist."

Our response: "Perhaps you should release a statement saying that is not Ukip's official policy. Many people will be disappointed/confused."

Further update: Response from Ukip's head of media to a media enquiry:

"There is no written policy from UKIP on banning smoking in parks, Professor Dalgleish, as one of the country's leading oncologists, was giving his personal opinion as he is more than entitled to do."

He may be entitled to have a personal opinion but Dalgleish's comments demonstrate utter contempt for (or ignorance of) Ukip's official position.

Here's Forest's reaction in full:

"With the possible exception of the smoker, smoking in the open air doesn't harm anyone.

"Angus Dalgleish's comments will confuse many people who may have been persuaded to vote for Ukip because of the party's opposition to the smoking ban and plain packaging.

"There's a suspicion Ukip only supports an amendment to the smoking ban because of Nigel Farage and without his influence they would be the same as every other party on tobacco control.

"If the party wants to appeal to Britain's ten million smokers they need to state very clearly that Dalgleish's comments do not represent party policy and they are firmly committed to rolling back the nanny state, not adding to it."

Another update: To be fair to Ukip's media office, they've been quick to distance the party from Dalgleish's "personal" views.

Unfortunately the damage had already been done. See Election 2015 health debate: UKIP on park smoking ban (BBC News).

Article originally appeared on Simon Clark (
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