Don't you just hate it when you record a soundbite (or interview), it goes well, and they ask you to do it again?
Earlier today I did a short piece for Sky News to be broadcast tomorrow as part of a package about smoking in cars with children.
(Labour is putting forward an amendment to the Children and Families Bill that would ban it. Peers will discuss that and a government amendment on plain packaging. It's going to be a long day.)
I had to sit in a small dark studio with bright lights illuminating my chair. I felt like I was on Mastermind.
Facing me, reporter Anish Joshi invited me to say whatever it was I had to say.
I did and it was perfect.
(Honestly, you've no idea how rare that is. If I'd been the director I would have leapt from my chair and shouted, "That's a wrap!")
"That was great," said Ashish, "but can you do it again in two parts in case I have to cut it?"
Take two was terrible. I stopped, like a horse gone lame.
"Try again," said Ashish.
Take three was OK but not as good as the first one.
"Thanks," said Ashish. "That'll do."
Actors say some of their best work ends up on the cutting room floor. Tomorrow I may find out exactly how that feels.