A few years ago we considered launching a spoof campaign.
The name we came up with was Action on Sausages and Health (ASH, geddit?).
The idea was that every anti-tobacco campaign would be replicated by a similar anti-sausage campaign or soundbite.
Concerned that it might upset sausage manufacturers, we then considered adopting the name 'Fingerwaggers Alliance', a term first coined by former MSP and journalist Dorothy-Grace Elder.
I wrote and asked her if we could use it. I still have her response:
Hello, Simon. No objection to Fingerwaggers Alliance but give me a credit!
As parodies go, however, nothing can beat Action on Sugar and tweets such as:
H/T Chris Snowdon
Satire, it seems, is not dead. It's risen from the dead and is stalking the world disguised as 'public health'.