Dear Forest, I'm 18, should I take up smoking?
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 10:20
Simon Clark

Does this sound like a genuine enquiry to you?


I am thinking about starting to smoke. I'm 18 years of age and I'm hearing a lot of different stories. I've never tried one but my friends say you get used to the taste and it relaxes you, I was wondering what you think about starting would I be better off not to? my parents always tell me it's the most addictive drug in the world and if you smoke a second one you're hooked but don't realise it yet. Any advice is appreciated!

Best regards,

My response:

Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for your email. If you were under 18 our advice would be 'Don't smoke'. Now that you are 18 you are legally an adult so it's not our role to offer you advice. It's up to you to make an informed choice, taking into account the health risks associated with smoking which I imagine you are familiar with.

Kind regards,

His reply:

Hi Simon,

Thanks for that, I decided not to do it.

Best regards,

Someone in tobacco control must be having a quiet day.

Article originally appeared on Simon Clark (
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