Labour has issued a press release with the headline 'Diane Abbott: Cameron must explain plain packaging broken promise'.
Diane Abbott MP, Labour's Shadow Public Health Minister, urges David Cameron to explain plain packaging broken promise:
"This is deeply concerning, because behind all the chaos, confusion and dither, it's clear that Lynton Crosby and the government's friends in big business are pulling the strings, and public health is being quietly ditched by this government.
"David Cameron needs to get out of the bunker and explain why the government is breaking yet another promise, and whether he was aware of his main campaign strategist's business interests when he offered him the job."
ASH, needless to say, has tweeted the press release to its followers.
Others have been equally active accusing the PM of a u-turn and goodness knows what.
It's all spin and lies, of course. As anyone who has followed the plain packaging debate knows, David Cameron has not broken any promise nor done a u-turn.
The Coalition Government, bless 'em, never promised to introduced standardised packaging.
They promised a public consultation and they delivered.
Abbott knows that, Labour knows that - the entire tobacco control industry knows that.
Everything else is politics.
Update: More bleating, this time on a Cancer Research blog, but at least the writer doesn't accuse the PM of breaking a non-existent promise.
Instead Chris Woodhall has a pop at the tobacco industry, Forest, Hands Off Our Packs and more.
He mentions that 220,000 people supported standard packs campaigns but omits to mention that more than twice as many (500,000) supported campaigns against plain packaging.
He attacks the tobacco lobby but fails to mention the packaging and design companies that oppose plain packaging; or the retired and serving police officers who fear it will lead to an increase in illicit trade.
He writes that 'Forest has ... used their own single-issue front-group Hands Off Our Packs (HOOPS) to oppose standard packs: they receive the same veiled support from BAT, JTI and Imperial tobacco'.
Veiled support? It's there in black and white on both the HOOPS and Forest websites. We've never hidden it.
Compare our transparency with that of our opponents. It took a Freedom of Information request to find out how much public money Plain Packs Protect had received. (Over £450,000, thanks for asking.)
Woodhall urges readers to write to MPs and "ask them to do the right thing: introduce standardised cigarette packs".
They never give up, do they?
See: A sad day for public health (Cancer Research Science Update blog)
PS. Needless to say you can't comment on the CRUK blog. That would be too much to expect.
Update: My mistake. You can comment. Over to you ...
Update: I have just posted this comment:
This article isn't science, it's propaganda. Sad day indeed for CRUK and anyone who values both sides of a debate.