James Reilly: the face of Big Government wants war with Big Tobacco
Monday, October 7, 2013 at 11:30
Simon Clark

More on the war on tobacco in Ireland.

Minister of Health James Reilly is beginning to sound like a bar room brawler: "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."

The Irish Independent yesterday reported that:

Reilly has defiantly challenged Big Tobacco to sue Ireland and its taxpayers for billions of euro over his plans to introduce plain packaging for all cigarettes.

Yes, he wants this to be a battle between Big Tobacco and the entire nation.

Dr Reilly is determined to make Ireland the key battleground against smoking in the Northern Hemisphere.

Don't expect too many gunshots, though.

Apart from plain packaging, Reilly is most excited by plans to, er, "erect large scale QUIT campaign banners" on Department of Health buildings (Reilly Row over giant 'quit smoking' banners). Woo!

It's not often you hear a voice of sanity when it comes to smoking in Ireland so full marks to Fine Gael councillor Gerry Breen who broke the mould when he said:

"I wouldn't be in favour of them. If people want to smoke, it's their choice. (The ads) are visual clutter. We're adults now – if people want to smoke, it's their own health."

Funnily enough, the first time I saw a huge banner on the side of a public building I was in Moscow. The year was 1981 and the banner featured an enormous picture of some bald guy (Lenin, I believe).

A few months ago I saw something similar in Havana. This time it was an image of Fidel Castro.

So instead of quit smoking messages, perhaps the banners in Ireland should feature an image of James Reilly.

It might not stop people smoking but it would certainly make people think twice about supporting this fat fuck (copyright: Curb Your Enthusiasm).

Article originally appeared on Simon Clark (http://taking-liberties.squarespace.com/).
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