Fresh Sky thinking
Thursday, September 6, 2012 at 19:24
Simon Clark

On Tuesday I linked to an article on the Sky Tyne and Wear website.

It was headlined 'Should Newcastle become a smoke-free city?' and followed an article published on Saturday entitled UK could be a 'no smoking nation' by 2032.

Today, if you click on the link to Tuesday's report, you will find that it has been updated and is now headlined Stoptober: UK’s Largest Ever Mass Quit Smoking Attempt Launched.

You won't be surprised to know that the updated story is just as biased as those previous reports, with not a single dissenting voice.

PS. Earlier today I responded to Sky's James Marley who had commented:

Sky Tyne and Wear isn't taking one side or the other on this. We sent our reporter out as Nick Forbes outlined his views to the public. That's what we mean by 'joined'. We are reporting a story not joining a campaign. As you can see by the responses in the video there are a range of opinions on this topic which we have covered. Some smokers agree, others disagree, while some non-smokers think it's outrageous. It is a debate that has split opinion in our office too.

My response read:

James, where was the balance in Gerard Tubb's report or his comments on Twitter where he claimed that he had to "persuade" Ailsa Rutter, director of Fresh (Smoke Free North East), "to go public". Tubb wasn't reporting news, he was trying to make news.

I am still waiting for a reply.

Article originally appeared on Simon Clark (
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