No, deputy prime minister (Clegg gets it wrong, again)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 9:31
Simon Clark

Hats off to an eagle-eyed reader who spotted this in a report in today's Daily Mail:

Mr Clegg revealed last night that the Government has received 228,000 responses to the consultation on equal marriage, more than any other issue under the Coalition government.


As readers of this blog know, the Coalition Government has received over 700,000 responses to the consultation on standardised packaging of tobacco, at least half a million of which came from adults opposed to 'plain' packaging.

(See: 500,000 oppose plain packaging)

Either Nick Clegg has his head in the sand (or up his you know what) or the Department of Health has failed to alert the Cabinet to the extraordinary strength of opinion on this issue.

You can comment here: Nick Clegg accused of offending Christians as he calls opponents of gay marriage 'bigots' - before frantically backtracking.

Better still, you might like to put the deputy PM straight by writing to him at the Deputy Prime Minister's Office, 70 Whitehall SW1A 2AS or sending an email via this link.

Over to you.

Update: I have sent this email to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister:

Dear Mr Clegg,

The Daily Mail yesterday reported:

"Mr Clegg revealed last night that the Government has received 228,000 responses to the consultation on equal marriage, more than any other issue under the Coalition government."

You are plainly (no pun intended) unaware that the recent government consultation on standardised packaging of tobacco (closing date 10th August 2012) attracted over 700,000 responses, half a million of them from adults opposed to 'plain' packaging of tobacco.

I am surprised that the Department of Health has not brought this extraordinary response to your attention and I would be grateful for your response.

Full details: Half a million oppose plain packaging.

Kind regards,

Article originally appeared on Simon Clark (
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