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Health Secretary Andrew Lansley will be among the speakers at a conference hosted by the Royal College of Physicians in London today to mark the 50th anniversary of the RCP's first 'Smoking and health' report.
Forest's response to this milestone?
"The authors of the first report on smoking and health were right to draw attention to the risks associated with smoking. Regrettably, since 1962 education has been replaced by coercion and smokers are now treated like lepers and vilified for their habit.
"Intolerance and scaremongering have replaced legitimate consumer information and common sense has given way to illiberal legislation designed to force people to give up a legal product.
"Adults have a right to make informed choices about smoking, eating and drinking. The 50th anniversary of the RCP report is an opportunity to remind politicians of their responsibilities in a liberal democratic society."
The Daily Mail has the story here.
See also: Smoking To Cost UK '100m Years Of Life' In A Generation (Huffington Post)