Meet Bandit Brand.
Bandit describes itself as a "Handmade, Small Time, Home Based Shop featuring Nostalgic American T Shirts, Vintage and Other Rad Goods made by friends + Shit I just like".
I'm not sure who "I" is but he/she continues:
Most T Shirt art is vintage or hand drawn. No trends forecasting, no seasons, no cares of what's "hot" or "in style". Just plain ol vintage style tees that are made to be genuinely loved by their owners. (Preferably while listening to Waylon Jennings or Black Sabbath).
Bandit is "Made in the USA" but a student in New Zealand has complained after seeing a Bandit poster in a clothing store in Hamilton. The poster shows a model smoking.
"I was just really shocked by it. I mean they’re suggesting that that association is somewhat cool or acceptable," she said.
I find it hard to believe that any student could be so tight-arsed about a poster, but the story entered the realms of parody when I read that the complainant is called – wait for it – Claire McCool.
Not even the Daily Mash would make that up.
Full story: Outrage over smoking poster. Note that the newspaper is happy to reproduce the image so the editor must have decided that it is unlikely to corrupt or beguile thousands of young New Zealanders.
Image: Bandit Brand