As noted elsewhere, the Government has today launched its new e-petitions website.
There is a time and a place for petitions (I'm not a fan, in general) but you've got to be in it to win it, so they say.
This afternoon, therefore, a petition has been submitted with the title 'Save Our Pubs and Clubs: Amend the Smoking Ban'.
There are still several hoops to jump through so goodness knows whether it will be accepted. Watch this space.
PS. My worst fears about this Government initiative/gimmick are being realised. All afternoon the e-petition website has carried the message 'Sorry if you're experiencing problems accessing e-petitons. There is currently a much higher level of demand than we expected'.
No doubt every pressure group and activist in the country is busy submitting a petition. Every nutter too. God help us.
The BBC website asks 'Will e-petitions bring in a new era of debate?'.
Includes a quote from this blog.