Currently at Millbank Studios in Westminster.
I have just recorded an interview for East Midlands Today (BBC1). In a few minutes I shall also be on BBC Radio Nottingham.
Subject? Smoking in or around playgrounds and the school gates. (See Nottingham City Council to make playgrounds 'smoke free'.)
"What has this got to do with the local council?" I asked before querying the effects of smoking outside and the cost of all those 'Please do not smoke' signs.
"Parents," I concluded, "should be allowed to use their common sense and make their own decisions."
"Let's hope they make the right decision and don't smoke around children," said Anne, the presenter, firmly.
(The BBC doesn't do neutrality on smoking, does it?)
"No offence, Anne," I said off-air, "but that [comment] was a bit one-sided."
She didn't reply but I heard her record a new, less partisan, comment to finish the interview.
I'd be interested to know which version they broadcast.